SCWA Latest News Updates | Friday 7th June 2024

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Dear SCWA Community, 

At the end of last term, we celebrated the achievements of our Year 11 and Year 13 students. The annual Year 11 shirt signing provided an opportunity for students to reminisce and share their memories; while, our Year 13 graduation was a joyous occasion, complete with awards and creatively named mocktails, such as the “Pina Collier,” in honour of the Head of Arden, Ms Collier. To mark these milestones, we will release two special editions of our ‘Latest News’ page, one for Year 11 and another for Year 13. These updates will offer detailed accounts of the events and include numerous photographs. We are excited to share these editions with you early next week.

As we begin module six, I am delighted to see such a strong start to the term following the half-term break. Pupils across all year groups have returned with impressive motivation, ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. This week’s updates cover a range of significant events: from public examinations for Years 11 and 13, mock examinations for Years 10 and 12, to securing work experience placements. The level of student engagement in these activities exemplifies our commitment to scholarship, fellowship, and leadership.

Here’s to another great week at SCWA!

Joseph Sparks | Principal, Stationers’ Crown Woods Academy

Reminder: Summer Examinations at SCWA

For detailed information on all scheduled exams, including dates and times, please refer to the complete examination timetable for Summer 2024. Sixth Form (GCE) examinations are highlighted in blue, while Year 11 (GCSE/Vocational) subjects are displayed in white.

This timetable ensures that all students are aware of their examination schedules and can prepare accordingly. We wish all our students the best of luck in their upcoming examinations.

Summer Examination Timetable 2024

Update on Year 10 and 12 Work Experience Programme

Congratulations to all Year 10 and 12 students at SCWA who have successfully secured their work experience placements for the period Monday, 8 July to Friday,  19 July 2024. Here are essential reminders and updates as we approach the final stages of preparation:

  • Deadline Reminder: All work experience placements must be logged in Unifrog by Friday, 14 June 2024. It is essential for students to enter these details themselves, as this triggers a confirmation email sequence that involves the employer, parent or carer, and the school, ensuring all parties are informed and the process is completed.
  • Placement Requirements: Students are required to have secured placements for the full two-week period. If a student does not have a placement for any day or week within this period, they must attend a specially designed work experience programme at the school. Details of this programme will be provided in due course.
  • Further Information: For those seeking more information or needing to revisit the guidelines, the previously distributed information handout can be accessed here.

We encourage students still searching for placements to finalise their arrangements as soon as possible. This programme is a critical component of career education at SCWA, providing invaluable insights into the working world and helping students explore potential career paths.

Year 10 Mock Examinations and Warm Up Sessions

Next week, Year 10 students at Stationers’ Crown Woods Academy will commence their mock examinations. Over the academic year, these students have been immersed in learning new content, honing their examination skills, and practising examination-style questions. This upcoming week provides them with their first significant opportunity to experience a real examination setting.

This is a crucial time as it allows teachers to gather valuable data on each student’s current performance and identify areas where knowledge gaps may exist. This information will be instrumental in planning effective interventions and revision strategies moving forward.

The full mock examination schedule can be found here.

Year 10 tutors distributed personalised mock examination timetables today during tutor time. These timetables detail the date, time, location, and candidate seat for each of your child’s mock examinations. Should your child misplace their timetable, additional copies are available from the Examinations Team, located on the ground floor of the William Morris building, or by contacting

Examinations will start at 08:45 in the morning, with pupils required to register in the Quad from 08:30. Afternoon exams will commence at 13:15, with registration starting at 13:05, unless otherwise specified on the timetable.

To further support our students, we are offering a series of after-school revision booster and pre-examination warm-up sessions. These are designed to provide last-minute hints and tips for success, and attendance is expected for all pupils. The full schedule for these sessions can be found here. Recognising that formal examinations may raise concerns and questions, we have scheduled an assembly for all Year 10 pupils on Tuesday morning. This session will ensure that all students are well-informed about the JCQ regulations and feel fully prepared for their mock examinations.

We appreciate that your child may have many questions about formal examinations. So, on Tuesday morning, we will hold an assembly for all Year 10 pupils so that they are fully informed about the JCQ regulations and feel prepared for their examination experience.

Year 11 Examinations and Warm Up Arrangements for Module 6 Week 2

The schedule for next week’s Year 11 examination and warm-up sessions is now available here. This schedule includes all necessary details to ensure that our Year 11 students are fully prepared and supported during their examination period.

Countdown to Year 11 Prom: Secure Your Spot!

With only eighteen days left until the 2024 Year 11 Prom, there’s still an opportunity to get your hands on one of the last few tickets. The event is scheduled for Tuesday, 25 June 2024, from 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm at the Marriott Hotel in Bexleyheath. Mr Kay, Assistant Principal, commented, “This year’s prom promises to be an unforgettable evening, with a formal dress code in place to ensure everyone looks their best. Dress to impress and get ready for a night of celebration with your classmates.”

To secure your spot, please complete the consent form that was sent via email and make your £40 payment via ParentPay. If you have any questions or need further information about this year’s prom, please do not hesitate to contact Mr Kay at

Year 12 Mock Examinations and Warm Up Sessions

The Year 12 mock examination period is set to begin next week on Wednesday, 12 June 2024. To ensure our students are fully prepared, we will be conducting a series of warm-up sessions prior to each examination. These sessions are designed to provide focused revision activities and essential reminders.

Warm-Up Session Schedule:

  • Morning Examinations: Warm-up sessions will run from 07:45 to 08:30 for all morning examinations. Examinations will start at 08:45 each morning. Students will be registered in the quad prior to each examination.
  • Afternoon Examinations: Warm-up sessions will take place from 13:15 to 14:15 for all afternoon examinations scheduled for the following day. Examinations will start at 13:15 each afternoon. Students will also be registered in the quad prior to each examination.

Daily School Attendance: Normal Year 12 lessons will continue throughout the examination period, and all students are expected to attend school every day, regardless of whether they have an examination. These lessons will provide valuable revision opportunities. For subjects that do not have mock examinations, students will attend the Academy and follow their normal timetable as usual.

For a detailed plan of the examinations and warm-up sessions, please click here.

Lunch Arrangements During Year 10 and 12 Mock Examinations

As the Year 10 and 12 mock examinations commence next week, we will adjust the lunch schedules to accommodate the examination timetable and ensure all students have adequate break times. To facilitate this, we have made the following changes to the lunch breaks:

  • Years 8, 10, and 12: Will have Break 1 from 10:05 to 10:25 and Lunch 1 from 12:35 to 13:05.
  • Years 7 and 9: Will follow Break 2 from 11:10 to 11:30 and Lunch 2 from 13:40 to 14:10.

These adjustments are designed to support the smooth running of the examination process and minimise disruptions for all students. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this period.

Year 13 Examinations and Warm Up Arrangements for Module 6 Week 2

The schedule for next week’s Year 13 examination and warm-up sessions is now available here. Ms Collier, Head of Arden, emphasised the importance of these sessions: “We strongly encourage all Year 13 students to attend each of the subject warm-up sessions. These sessions are designed to provide thorough preparation for the upcoming examinations, ensuring students are well-equipped and confident.”

Reminder: Year 12 Parents’ Evening at SCWA

Stationers’ Crown Woods Academy is set to host the Year 12 Parents’ Evening on Thursday, 13 June 2024, from 16:00 to 19:00. This face-to-face event provides a platform for parents and carers to discuss their child’s academic progress with teachers. The appointment booking system is now live and will remain available until 12:00 pm on Wednesday, 12 June 2024. These discussions are a crucial part of the academy’s approach to individualised student development, focusing on achievements and areas for growth.

Parents and carers are encouraged to book early to secure their preferred times. Appointments can be made by visiting the academy’s designated booking site. Detailed instructions and a guide for booking are available on the school’s website. For any assistance or further information about the Parents’ Evening, Ms Amandeep Kalote can be contacted directly via email:

Upcoming Reading Assessment for Year 7-9 Pupils

SCWA is committed to continuously assessing and enhancing our students’ reading and literacy skills. Next week, all KS3 students will undertake the New Group Reading Test (NGRT) Reading Test during their first English lesson. This initiative, part of our ongoing efforts to monitor reading progression, was detailed in communications sent at the end of module five.

The test will take approximately 25 minutes and will be conducted under the supervision of the student’s English teachers. Students will receive detailed instructions and access credentials via their school email, facilitating a smooth test execution.

To optimise the testing experience, headphones will be provided, although students are encouraged to bring personal headphones or AirPods for added comfort. It is also essential that students ensure their Chromebooks are fully charged on the day of the test to prevent any disruptions.

Mr Hill, Assistant Principal, said: “We recognise that standardised testing can be a source of anxiety and wish to reassure parents and students that the primary aim of the NGRT is to gather data that will help tailor support for reading development in the upcoming academic year. If you have concerns or further inquiries regarding the NGRT reading test, please do not hesitate to contact me via email at We look forward to sharing the outcomes of these reading assessments with parents and carers later this module”.