What is Safeguarding?
At Leigh Stationers’ Academy your health, safety and welfare are really important. We respect each other and know that it is important to be happy and safe in school.
Our Safeguarding Team
- LSA Designated Safeguard Lead (DSL): Mr J Spark
- Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead Ashdown School: Mr A Farr
- Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead Delamere School: Mr S Flower
- Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead Sherwood School: Mr S Smith
- Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead Woolf School: Ms E Collier
- Deputy Designated Safeguard Leads Dean School: Mrs E Bartlett
- Safeguarding Governor: Professor L Drew
Key Documents
Safeguarding at Leigh Stationers’ Academy
Accordion Panel
- We know what our roles and responsibilities are to keep you safe.
- We take all allegations, suspicions and concerns seriously and report them properly.
- We talk to other people about any concerns to develop the best way to help you.
- We complete risk assessments to ensure that all potential dangers in activities have been identified.
- We have themed assemblies, lessons and other opportunities where we learn about Safeguarding such as e-safety and anti-bullying.
- We treat everyone fairly with dignity and respect.
What do children need to understand about Safeguarding?
- All adults will listen to what you have to say with an open mind.
- Adults will not ask leading questions so that you have to reveal more details.
- If they are worried about your safety, they might invite another professional to talk to you.
- Adults never stop us from freely talking or sharing about significant events
- Adults will make accurate and specific notes of discussions to make sure that all concerns are recorded.
- Adults will not promise to keep secrets.
- They will explain that they have a responsibility to report what has been said to someone else if they are worried about your safety.
- All adults will immediately tell the Safeguarding team if they are worried about your safety.
What should children do?
- Speak to an adult at school if you are worried about something, it could be a teacher, your form tutor, your SSO, your Head of School, your Deputy Head of School, or one of the Safeguarding team.
- Be aware that you are not alone and that people will always help you
- Be aware that there are lots of support services available
- Email safeguarding@stationers.latrust.org.uk
Where else can I find more information?
- If you are in immediate danger – call the police (999)
- Advice around online safety
- Advice around suicidal thoughts
- Advice around mental wellbeing
- NSPCC Childline (0800 1111)
- LSA Student Support Services Leaflet
Sexual Violence and Harassment
- Keeping Children Safe in Education Part 5
- Guidance – Sexual violence and sexual harassment between children in schools and colleges
- Brook.org.uk
- UK Council for Child Internet Safety (UKCCIS)
- The Law and consenting to sex | Health for Teens
- Sharing nudes and semi-nudes: advice for education settings working with children and young people | GOV.UK
- Sexual consent – The Mix
- Abuse in young people’s relationships | Safe lives
- The Hide Out
- Resources to help identify and engage young people at risk of sexual abuse and exploitation | Barnardos
- ItsNotOkay.co.uk
- Friends, relationships and sex | ChildLine
- Preventing Child Sexual Abuse & Keeping Children Safe | NSPCC
- Myths about rape | Rape Crisis
- Stop Abuse Together
Child-on-Child Abuse
Healthy and Respectful Relationships
- Healthy Relationships – Childnet
- Everyone deserves a healthy relationship – is yours? | love is respect
- NSPCC Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships
- Guides and resources – Contextual Safeguarding
Safeguarding Websites and Links
Other Useful Safeguarding Websites that are available to staff and parents of Leigh Stationers’ Academy.
Useful Safeguarding Links presentation
- Supporting Staff Mental Well Being in School
- Guidance on Teacher Standards
- NSPCC Whistleblowing Website
- Guidance on RSE and Sex Education Statutory Guidance
- Greenwich Safeguarding Children
- Preventing and Tackling Bullying 2020
- Anti Bullying Alliance
- Childline Website
- Kidscape (anti-bullying site)
- Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment between Children in Schools
- Mental health resources for children, students, parents, carers and school/college staff
- Sexual Behaviour BROOK Traffic Light System
- NSPCC Harmful Sexual Behaviour Advice
- Understanding Parental Responsibility and the Law Surrounding ‘Parenting’
- Barnardos Website (support for students)
- National Information for Children of Offenders
- County Lines Information
- The Children Society (CSE and CCE Advice)
- Preventing Gang and Youth Violence
- National Domestic Violence Helpline
- Operation Encompass Information (domestic violence)
- Homelessness Reduction Help
- National FGM Advice Website
- Forced Marriage Guidance
- Prevent and Channel Information (extremism or radicalisation prevention)
- Mental Health and Behaviour in Schools
- Young Minds (Mental Health Support)
- Every Mind Matters
- The Young Gamers and Gamblers Education Trust (YGAM)
- DfE Searching, Screening and Confiscation – Advice for Headteachers, School Staff and Governing Bodies