
What is Safeguarding?

At Leigh Stationers’ Academy your health, safety and welfare are really important. We respect each other and know that it is important to be happy and safe in school.

Our Safeguarding Team

If you believe that a child or young person is at IMMEDIATE risk, you should treat this as an emergency and call 999 to report your concerns to the Police.

  • LSA Designated Safeguard Lead (DSL): Mr J Spark
  • Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead Angelou College: Mr A Farr
  • Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead Caxton College: Mr S Smith
  • Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead Hansard College: Mr S Flower
  • Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead Woolf College: Ms E Collier
  • Deputy Designated Safeguard Leads Equiano College: Mrs E Bartlett
  • Safeguarding Governor: Professor L Drew

The safeguarding team are available during school hours, 8.00am-3.00pm Monday to Friday during term time, they can be contacted on or 02088507678.

Key Documents

Keeping Children Safe in Education Our Policies Working Together to Safeguard Children

Safeguarding at Leigh Stationers’ Academy

  • We know what our roles and responsibilities are to keep you safe.
  • We take all allegations, suspicions and concerns seriously and report them properly.
  • We talk to other people about any concerns to develop the best way to help you.
  • We complete risk assessments to ensure that all potential dangers in activities have been identified.
  • We have themed assemblies, lessons and other opportunities where we learn about Safeguarding such as e-safety and anti-bullying.
  • We treat everyone fairly with dignity and respect.
  • All adults will listen to what you have to say with an open mind.
  • Adults will not ask leading questions so that you have to reveal more details.
  • If they are worried about your safety, they might invite another professional to talk to you.
  • Adults never stop us from freely talking or sharing about significant events
  • Adults will make accurate and specific notes of discussions to make sure that all concerns are recorded.
  • Adults will not promise to keep secrets.
  • They will explain that they have a responsibility to report what has been said to someone else if they are worried about your safety.
  • All adults will immediately tell the Safeguarding team if they are worried about your safety.
  • Speak to an adult at school if you are worried about something, it could be a teacher, your form tutor, your SSO, your Head of School, your Deputy Head of School, or one of the Safeguarding team.
  • Be aware that you are not alone and that people will always help you
  • Be aware that there are lots of support services available
  • Email

Useful Websites Promoting Online Safety

  • Parent Zone
  • Childline – General information and advice for families, including safe ways to entertain your children while they are at home
  • NSPCC – Need to talk? Free telephone number 0800 1111
  • Kooth – Support and advice for keeping children safe
  • YoungMinds – Free, safe online support for young people
  • Stem4 – Mental health support including managing anxiety caused by Coronavirus
  • Greenwich Social Services – telephone 02089213172 Out of hours 02088548888
  • Bexley Social Services – telephone 02030455440 Out of hours 02083037777

CEOPS ‘ThinkUKnow’

If you are worried about a child’s online safety please click on the link below for more information or to lodge a report: ThinkUKnow


For further information regarding online safety please visit:


To kids, online life is real life. And, just like in real life, kids need help to stay safe online.

Share Aware is an NSPCC and O2 campaign to help parents have regular and informed conversations with their child about online safety. We’re aiming to get every family in the UK chatting about their kids’ online world, just like they would about their day at school.

We tell children that it’s good to share, but online it’s different and sometimes it can be dangerous. Through our straight-forward, step-by-step advice and Icebreaker email series, we’ll show parents how to untangle the web and teach children how to make the right decisions online, even when parents aren’t there.

  • Share Aware homepage – Read our step-by-step guide to being Share Aware and our TEAM (Talk, Explore, Manage, Agree) framework on how to stay safe online in four simple steps.
  • Teaching resources – Download Share Aware teaching resources for use in the classroom.

Sexual Violence and Harassment

Child-on-Child Abuse

Healthy and Respectful Relationships

Safeguarding Websites and Links

Other Useful Safeguarding Websites that are available to staff and parents of Leigh Stationers’ Academy.

Useful Safeguarding Links presentation