Combined Science involves the study of all 3 Sciences: Biology, Chemistry and Physics with two GCSE Science qualifications being attained upon successful completion of the course. The course is assessed through 100% terminal examination.
Two tiers are available for this qualification, Foundation and Higher. The content is the same for both tiers. A student taking Foundation Tier assessments will be awarded a grade within the range of 1–1 to 5–5. A student taking Higher Tier assessments will be awarded a grade within the range of 4–4 to 9–9.
This qualification is graded on a 17-point scale: 1–1 to 9–9 – where 9–9 is the best grade.
- Cell biology
- Organisation
- Infection and response
- Bioenergetics
- Homeostasis and response
- Inheritance, variation and evolution
- Ecology
- Atomic structure and the periodic table
- Bonding, structure, and the properties of matter
- Quantitative chemistry
- Chemical changes
- Energy changes
- Rate and extent of chemical change
- Organic chemistry
- Chemical analysis
- Chemistry of the atmosphere
- Using resources
- Energy
- Electricity
- Particle model of matter
- Atomic structure
- Forces
- Waves
- Magnetism and electromagnetism
There is also a ‘Required Practical’ element that is not explicitly assessed but compulsory and will be addressed in the final exams.
There are six papers: two Biology, two Chemistry and two Physics. Each of the papers will assess knowledge and understanding from distinct topic areas, through multiple choice, structured, closed short answers, and open response questions.
40% of marks will be based on demonstrating knowledge and understanding; 40% of marks will be based on applying that knowledge and understanding and 20% on analysing given information and ideas.
There is also an increased maths/numeracy component to the examinations. Overall 20% of marks will be derived from numeracy-based questions (10% from Biology, 20% from Chemistry and 30% from Physics)
- Biology element – 2 written exams: each 1 hour 15 minutes (Foundation and Higher Tier) 70 marks each. Each paper 16.7% of GCSE
- Chemistry element – 2 written exams: each 1 hour 15 minutes (Foundation and Higher Tier) 70 marks each. Each paper 16.7% of GCSE
- Physics element – 2 written exams: each 1 hour 15 minutes (Foundation and Higher Tier) 70 marks each. Each paper 16.7% of GCSE
We have put together an A-Z list of careers in Science to give you an idea of the number of doors a good Science qualification can open.
Aerospace Engineer, Anthropologist, Archaeologist, Architect, Astrophysicist, Athletic Trainer (in demand!) Aviation Inspector, Biochemical Engineer, Biochemist (in demand!), Biologist, Botanist, Cartographer or Photogrammetrist, Chemical Engineer, Chemical Technician, Chemist, Civil Engineer, Climate Change Analyst,Criminologist, Dentist, Dietician or Nutritionist, Doctor, Ecologist, Electrical Engineer, Endocrinologist (in demand!), Entomologist, Environmental Compliance Inspector, Environmental Scientist, Ethologist, Food Science Technician (in demand!), Food Scientist, Forensic Science, Fuel Technologist, Geographer, Geologist, Geoscientist, Haematologist, Hydrologist, Industrial Health and Safety Engineer, Marine Biologist, Materials Scientist, Mechanic, Mechanical Engineer, Meteorologist, Microbiologist, Neurologist, Nuclear Engineer, Nuclear Monitoring Technician, Nuclear Power Reactor Operator, Nurse, Occupational Health & Safety, specialist, Ornithologist, Palaeontology, Paramedic, Pathologist, Pharmacist, Physicist, Pilot, Psychologist, Seismologist, Soil and Water Conservationist, Sound Engineer, Surveyor, Teacher (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) , Vet, Volcanologist, Water and Liquid Waste Treatment Plant & System Operator and Zoologist.