
Parents/Carers who would like to discuss any issue with regards to their child’s education should contact their Small School Administrator to arrange an appointment with the relevant member of staff. In the first instance, this would normally be the tutor, or for subject specific matters, your child’s subject teacher. To ensure we direct you to the right person to deal with your enquiry, please provide a brief outline of the matter you would like to discuss.

If you wish to communicate via email please use the format:


Administration Team

  • Careers: Eve Collier
  • Data Manager: Rebecca Holdway
  • External Examinations: Nicola Seamons
  • Finance: Anita Jenkins
  • HR: Julie Russell
  • School Nurse: Rani Nadra


small schools

Woolf (sixth form)

Vice Principal & Head of College
Eve Collier

Assistant Principals & Deputy Heads of College
Antonio Duran & David Roche

Post-16 Support Officer
Catherine Francis


Vice Principal & Head of College
Anthony Farr

Assistant Principals & Deputy Heads of College
Eleanor Barnes, Richard Hill & Christopher Turon

Support Managers of College
Lisa Ashley, Claire Hoff & Linda Devereux


Vice Principal & Head of College
Steven Flower

Assistant Principals & Deputy Heads of College
Kasmine Jess & Katy Edwards

Support Managers of College
Eileen Norton, Tracy Hutchinson & Sandeep Saggu


Vice Principal & Head of College
Stephen Smith

Assistant Principals & Deputy Heads of College
Argy Kalos, Layla Hamilton-Cox & Magie Efford

Support Managers of College
Laura Shead & Jackie Lands

finding us


Should you have a complaint, please contact the academy’s principal in the first instance.

If you deem your complaint to be unresolved after the principal has been given the opportunity to respond, please submit a formal complaint in writing to the Academy Director or use this form. Please see the Leigh Academies Trust contact information below.

More detailed information relating to the complaints procedure can be found on the policies page of this website.

Requesting information from this website

If, as a parent/carer of a pupil attending this academy, you require a paper copy of the information on this website, we shall provide this free of charge. Please contact us using the details on this page.