Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2022-23

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This statement details our school’s use of pupil premium (and recovery premium for the 2022 to 2023 academic year) funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils. 

It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the effect that last year’s spending of pupil premium had within our school.

The total budgeted cost is £300,896

School overview

School name

Stationers’ Crown Woods Academy

Number of pupils in school

Years 7-11: 1,346
Whole School: 1,595

Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils

14.6% (196)

Academic year/years that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers (3 year plans are recommended)


Date this statement was published

December 2022

Date on which it will be reviewed

July 2023

Statement authorised by

Ms S Kazmi (Principal at time of authorisation)

Pupil premium lead

Ms S Awoberu (Assistant Principal)

Governor / Trustee lead

Prof. L Drew (Chair of Governors)

Funding Overview

Pupil premium funding allocation this academic year


Recovery premium funding allocation this academic year


Pupil premium funding carried forward from previous years (enter £0 if not applicable)


Total budget for this academic year


Statement of intent

Our intention is to provide all children the access and opportunities to enjoy academic success regardless of socio-economic background through primarily being exposed to high-quality teaching of a broad, balanced and enriching curriculum.

We strive to raise the bar of expectations for all students, including our disadvantaged with high prior attainment. In doing so we will raise lifelong aspirations, focus on removing barriers to learning and achieving excellence whilst ensuring that no child is left behind because of socio-economic disadvantage.

We will consider the challenges faced by other vulnerable pupils who may not necessarily fall under the pupil premium category, such as those who have a social worker and young carers. The activity we have outlined in this statement is also intended to support their needs, regardless of whether they are deemed to be disadvantaged or not.

The academy pays due consideration to its specific context and the subsequent challenges faced before making decisions with regards to the use of Pupil Premium funding. Furthermore, it takes a research based, evidence informed approach and refers to research carried out by expert organisations such as the EEF.

Common barriers to learning for disadvantaged children include: less support at home, weak language and communication skills, lack of confidence, lack of aspirations, more frequent behaviour difficulties, attendance, and punctuality issues. There may also be complex family situations that prevent children from flourishing. The challenges are complex and varied and therefore there cannot be a “one size fits all” approach.

We will ensure that all teaching staff have an appreciation of who the pupil premium students are, what barriers might exist for them and have a comprehensive understanding of the attainment data for those pupils. Consequently, staff will be able to identify strengths and weaknesses from a subject perspective and therefore be able to strategically intervene to close knowledge and skill gaps through tailored high quality first wave teaching, support and intervention. This strong focus on high-quality teaching is proven to have the greatest impact on closing the disadvantage attainment gap and at the same time will benefit the non-disadvantaged pupils in our school. Implicit in the intended outcomes detailed below, is the intention that non-disadvantaged pupils’ attainment will be sustained and improved alongside progress for their disadvantaged peers.

In addition to our priority of high quality teaching, we will focus on improving the literacy levels for all, developing emotional resilience and providing targeted wellbeing support and interventions for our most vulnerable, providing enriching experiences outside of the classroom and minimising absence to school. This whole school approach to closing the gap incorporates our whole staff body who will appreciate the crucial role they play in ensuring the educational success of every pupil within our academy.

Our strategy is also integral to wider school plans for education recovery, notably in its targeted support through the National Tutoring Programme for pupils whose education has been worst affected, including non-disadvantaged pupils.


This details the key challenges to achievement that we have identified among our disadvantaged pupils.

Challenge 1

Reading & Literacy

Many of our disadvantaged students join the academy with lower than expected literacy and reading ages on entry. This prevents our students from engaging fully with the curriculum, hindering their ability to demonstrate progress in their studies. At the start of the last academic year, the average reading age of disadvantaged Y7 pupils on entry was 10 years and 3 months (15 months below the average reading age for the year group). This gap was even more pronounced for disadvantaged Y8 pupils who had an average reading age of 9 years and 10 months (26 months below the average reading age for the year group). Initial KS2 data for the new year 7 cohort indicates a gap existing with reading based on an average standardised score of 100.9 for disadvantaged pupils (compared to 106.1 for non-disadvantaged pupils – a gap of 5.2).

Challenge 2

Mathematics & Numeracy

An attainment gap exists at GCSE level in maths as informed by 2022 outcomes:

  • 9-4: 65% (disadvantaged) vs 79% (non-disadvantaged) – gap of 14%
  • 9-5: 48% (disadvantaged) vs 60% (non-disadvantaged) – gap of 12%
  • 9-7: 13% (disadvantaged) vs 22% (non-disadvantaged) – gap of 9%

The progress gap is more pronounced based on gender, with disadvantaged female pupils making less progress than disadvantaged males.

Initial KS2 data for the new year 7 cohort indicates a gap existing with maths based on an average standardised score of 99.5 for disadvantaged pupils (compared to 106.2 for non-disadvantaged pupils – a gap of 6.7).

Challenge 3

Attainment Gap

Disadvantaged pupils make less progress when compared to their peers in terms of GCSE outcomes. In 2022, disadvantaged pupils had an average A8 grade of 4.12 compared to an average A8 grade of 5.04 compared to their peers (-9.15).

Challenge 4

Impact of Partial School Closures

Our assessments, observations and discussions with pupils and families suggest that the education and wellbeing of many of our disadvantaged pupils have been impacted by partial school closures to a greater extent than for other pupils and that this is still a factor for consideration over the next academic year. These findings are backed up by several national studies.

This has resulted in significant knowledge gaps resulting in pupils falling further behind age-related expectations as well as related social and emotional issues.

Challenge 5


Our observations and discussions with pupils and families have identified social and emotional issues for many pupils, such as anxiety, depression (diagnosed by medical professionals) and low self-esteem. This is partly driven by concern about catching up lost learning and exams/future prospects, and the lack of enrichment opportunities due to the pandemic. These challenges particularly affect disadvantaged pupils, including their attainment.

Since the pandemic, there has been an increase in the number of referrals for additional emotional support. Many of our most disadvantaged pupils currently require additional support with social and emotional needs via a range of small group interventions as well as one-to-one support.

Challenge 6


Our attendance data over the last year indicates that attendance among disadvantaged pupils has been 86% compared to 92% for non-disadvantaged pupils (a gap of 6%).

44.7% of disadvantaged pupils have been ‘persistently absent’ compared to 24.5% of their non-disadvantaged peers during that period. Our assessments and observations indicate that absenteeism is negatively impacting disadvantaged pupils’ progress.

Intended Outcomes

This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategy plan, and how we will measure whether they have been achieved.

Intended outcome

Success criteria

Improved attainment among disadvantaged pupils across the curriculum at the end of KS4

2022/23 KS4 outcomes demonstrate that disadvantaged pupils achieve:

  • an average Attainment 8 score of 5.5
  • a P8 score of 0

Improved reading comprehension among disadvantaged pupils across KS3.

Reading comprehension tests demonstrate improved comprehension skills among disadvantaged pupils and a smaller disparity between the scores of disadvantaged pupils and their non-disadvantaged peers. Teachers should also have recognised this improvement through engagement in lessons and book scrutiny.

Improved attainment among disadvantaged pupils within mathematics.

Maths attainment will rise to be in line with the academy expectations as noted above. This will be evidenced through the impact of the maths mastery curriculum in internal KS3 assessments as well as KS4 outcomes.

To achieve and sustain improved wellbeing for all pupils, including those who are disadvantaged.

We will receive positive feedback from a range of qualitative data including student voice, student and parent surveys and teacher observations as well as data for referrals to wellbeing interventions.

We will also see a significant increase in participation in enrichment activities (clubs, school trips etc), particularly among disadvantaged pupils.

To achieve and sustain improved attendance for all pupils and reducing the number of pupils who are persistently absent, including those who are disadvantaged.

We will see the overall absence rate for all pupils at a rate that is higher than the national average, and the attendance gap between disadvantaged pupils and their non-disadvantaged peers being reduced.

We will also see the percentage of all pupils who are persistently absent being below the national average and the figure among disadvantaged pupils being no lower than their peers.

Activity in this academic year

This details how we intend to spend our pupil premium (and recovery premium funding) this academic year to address the challenges listed above.

Teaching (for example, CPD, recruitment and retention)

Budgeted cost: £225,248

Investment into the implementation of a strong CPD offer for staff with a sharp focus on research-informed approaches and pedagogy to help ensure high quality teaching practice and ultimately, stronger pupil outcomes for the most disadvantaged.

Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

1 to 4

Continued investment into the implementation of a digital strategy where all pupils have their own chromebook so that technology can be used to enhance the learning experience of students and to personalise their learning experience.

Evidence that supports this approach

Research by the EEF into the use of technology to enhance learning.

Challenge number(s) addressed

1 to 4

Enhancement of our maths teaching and curriculum planning in line with DfE KS3 and EEF guidance.

We will fund teacher release time to embed key elements of the guidance in school, and to access Maths Hub resources and CPD offers (including Teaching for Mastery training).

Evidence that supports this approach

The DfE non-statutory KS3 guidance has been produced in conjunction with the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics, drawing on evidence-based approaches.

Evidence from the EEF suggests that to teach maths well, teachers need to assess pupils’ prior knowledge and understanding effectively, employ manipulatives and representations, teach problem solving strategies, and help pupils to develop more complex mental models.

Research and case studies available into the maths mastery programme.

Challenge number(s) addressed

2, 3 and 4

Enhancement of our teaching of literacy (explicit teaching of reading, writing, oracy and vocabulary).

We will fund teacher release time for CPD in order to understand best practice and provide time for staff to work collaboratively in subject disciplines to create appropriate resources and refine curriculum decisions.

Evidence that supports this approach

EEF Improving Literacy in Schools guidance and toolkit.

Research (and accompanying resources and strategies) by Alex Quigley into the importance of closing the vocabulary gap, reading gap and writing gap in order to support improved academic outcomes as well as enhanced life chances.

Research into the importance of the word gap and its link to attainment.

Challenge number(s) addressed

1, 3 and 4

Funding teacher release time to engage in NPQ programmes to support them to lead change within the academy, positively impacting our disadvantaged pupils.

Evidence that supports this approach

From DfE recommendations as part of a wider set of teacher development reforms.

Challenge number(s) addressed

1 to 6

Investment into time for subject staff to work collaboratively to joint plan and share resources, thus reducing workload and helping to retain/attract quality staff.

Evidence that supports this approach

From research commissioned by the DfE to support a reduction in staff workload to help retain and attract strong talent.

Challenge number(s) addressed

1 to 4

Retaining staff by reducing workload and pressures by evaluating and improving behaviour policies, practices and systems.

Evidence that supports this approach

From research commissioned by the DfE to support a reduction in staff workload to help retain and attract strong talent.

Tom Bennett’s research into ‘Creating a Culture’.

Challenge number(s) addressed

1 to 4

Targeted academic support (for example, tutoring, one-to-one support structured interventions)

Budgeted cost: £536,869

Engaging with the National Tutoring Programme to provide small group or one-to-one tuition to some of our most disadvantaged pupils.

Evidence that supports this approach

Research suggests that tuition (one-to-one or small group) can have a positive impact when it has a sharp focus on uncovering gaps and ensuring that these knowledge gaps are closed.

Challenge number(s) addressed

1 to 4

The development of a bespoke small group Y11 intervention programme to support pupils to close knowledge gaps and excel academically.

Evidence that supports this approach

Supported by research from the EEF which outlines the effectiveness of small group intervention.

Challenge number(s) addressed

1 to 4

Expanding our team of SEN specialist staff to include: a mainstream SENCO & deputy SENCO; a DSP SENCO & deputy SENCO; a specialist SEN teacher; an SEN interventions coordinator; an EAL coordinator.

This much larger team will enable the academy to provide a greater amount and high quality of support to SEN/EAL pupils, many of whom are also disadvantaged.

This will also enable an increased number of interventions to support academic progress of pupils.

Evidence that supports this approach

EEF guidance on SEN teaching and practices.

Challenge number(s) addressed

1 to 5

Investment into the employment of a Director of Literacy, a teaching member of staff who will deliver bespoke phonics, reading fluency and reading comprehension interventions for small groups to support the development of reading for those who are not yet meeting age-related expectations in the early years of secondary school.

Evidence that supports this approach

Various research & government guidance relating to the significance of supporting pupils who are behind with literacy to ensure that they can successfully access a broad and balanced curriculum across their time in secondary school.

EEF reading intervention strategy research.

EEF research into small group tuition.

Challenge number(s) addressed

1 and 4

Investment in bespoke intervention programmes & resources to support the work of the Director of Literacy e.g. Herts for Learning reading fluency project.

Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

1 and 4

Investment in platforms to promote a love of reading in order to broaden the vocabularies, imaginations and comprehension abilities of pupils (e.g. the Accelerated Reader programme and myON platform).

Evidence that supports this approach

EEF study found that Year 7 pupils who were offered ‘Accelerated Reader’ made 3 months’ additional progress in reading compared to other similar pupils. For pupils eligible for free school meals the figure was 5 months’ additional progress.

Enhanced by the chromebook scheme we provide further access to texts from myON Reader, which provides unlimited, 24/7 access to thousands of high-quality fiction and nonfiction titles.

Challenge number(s) addressed

1 and 4

Investment in online platforms for the development of literacy skills (e.g. Literacy Planet) or specific vocabulary development (e.g. Bedrock).

Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

1 and 4

The implementation of a peer reading scheme to support the development of reading for those pupils who are below age-related expectations.

Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

1 and 4

Wider strategies (for example, related to attendance, behaviour, wellbeing)

Budgeted cost: £65,000

Invest in further support for attendance through Greenwich Borough’s Attendance Advisory Service to increase capacity for challenging non-attendance and poor punctuality.

Evidence that supports this approach

Evidence from the Department for Education study shows a strong correlation between school attendance and GCSE success. A child who averages 80% attendance during their secondary school career effectively misses one whole year of education and significantly reduces their chances of success in line with expectations. During our return from lockdown PA was too high for disadvantaged pupils and pupils with SEN.

Challenge number(s) addressed


Invest in supporting the mental health and wellbeing of pupils through incorporating a Place2Be service within the academy to enable more pupils to access counselling and support.

Evidence that supports this approach

A range of research and case studies evidencing the effectiveness of this type of support for pupils.

Challenge number(s) addressed

5 and 6

Development of an enriching co-curricular offer which ensures that disadvantaged pupils are able to access a range of clubs, societies, activities, trips and experiences which they may not otherwise have the chance to experience.

Investment in the monitoring of this programme using SOCS.

Evidence that supports this approach

Children from the poorest backgrounds are three times more likely to not take part in any extra-curricular activity compared to those from the richest families, study finds. A report by the Social Mobility Commission revealed that young people from better-off families are much more likely to engage in a range of activities out of school – including music and sport. Cost barriers, access difficulties and a fear they will not fit in are all reasons behind the disparities.

Challenge number(s) addressed

4, 5 and 6

Contingency fund for acute issues.

Evidence that supports this approach

Based on our experiences and those of similar schools to ours, we have identified a need to set a small amount of funding aside to respond quickly to needs that have not yet been identified.

Challenge number(s) addressed

5 and 6

Total budgeted cost: £827,117

Review of outcomes in the previous academic year

Pupil Premium Strategy Outcomes

This details the impact that our pupil premium activity had on pupils in the 2020 to 2021 academic year.

  • 88% of teachers were rated “effective” or better and 31% were rated as “highly effective” which evidences the impact of the comprehensive CPD offer made available to our staff (weekly CPD training, a bespoke LAT Teach programme to support teacher development, membership to the National College etc) to ensure pupils are exposed to high quality teaching at all times.
  • 152 pupils benefitted from the MyTutor programme as part of the National Tutoring Programme.
  • IRIS kits have been purchased and form part of the CPD package available to staff to support the ongoing improvement and reflection on practice.
  • Attendance for all pupils in the academy is above national average and the academy bought into a service level agreement with the local authority to provide an Attendance Advisory Service. Work is currently ongoing to lower the number of persistent absenteeism and has enabled internal attendance staff to focus on early response contact with parents/carers when pupils are absent from school.
  • A new Inclusion & Wellbeing Centre has been constructed with a bespoke space for seclusions separate to an intervention space for therapy, group and one-to-one support and wellbeing sessions. This space has been staffed with a specialist team and there has been a noticeable reduction in FTEs which now sit significantly below the national average. There have been no permanent exclusions since this facility has been established.
  • In terms of our vision to ensure that all pupils had access to an electronic device to support them with classwork, homework and other independent learning opportunities, all pupils have now been issued with their own device along with lessons in digital citizenship and an embedded digital strategy which ensures that they are utilised as learning tools on a daily basis.
  • Enriching experiences have been provided for pupils with the broadest range of clubs and activities ever on offer. 22% of Y7 PP pupils, 28% of Y8 PP pupils and 24% of Y9 PP pupils attended clubs across the last academic year.
  • In terms of developing standards of literacy, all KS3 pupils participated in the Accelerated Reader Programme with year 7 PP pupils making 4 months of progress in their reading age and Y8 PP pupils making 11 months of progress in their reading age (when compared to the year average of 3 months). Progress for Y9 PP pupils was 5 months (below average for the cohort of 8 months of progress).
  • We invested in the Herts for Learning reading fluency intervention and 37 pupils took part in the initial programme. On average, pupils made +40 months of progress in their reading comprehension as well as +11.1 months in terms of their reading accuracy by utilising the strategies developed within this programme.

Externally Provided Programmes





Accelerated Reader


Sparx Maths


Service Pupil Premium Funding



How did you spend your service pupil premium allocation last academic year?

£930 from service pupil premium funding contributed towards the following support from service pupil premium children:

  • Support interventions within the Inclusion & Wellbeing Centre
  • Buying into the Greenwich Borough Attendance Advisory Service
  • Tuition
  • Investment in online platforms for intervention, homework and independent learning e.g. Accelerated Reader, Literacy Planet, Sparx Maths, etc.

What was the impact of that spending on service pupil premium eligible pupils?

Impact as outlined above with improved outcomes, attendance and engagement within the academy.