SCWA Principal’s Updates | Friday 1st December

Photo of SCWA Building

Dear SCWA Community, 

This past week at Stationers’ Crown Woods Academy has been a showcase of our commitment to excellence and community spirit. Our Year 12 Digital Design T-Level students are embarking on industry placements, blending academic learning with vital professional experiences. The exemplary performances in both the Leigh Academies TrusT (LAT) Cross-Country Competition and the Annual Swimming Gala demonstrate our students’ dedication and talent in sports. Additionally, our Year 11 and Year 13 students are diligently preparing for their mock examinations, reflecting our strong focus on academic achievement.

Looking ahead, the festive season at SCWA promises to be vibrant and joyous. We eagerly anticipate the Christmas Extravaganza, featuring performances by our talented students in a celebration of music and community. The ‘Save the Children’ Christmas Jumper Day and the special Christmas Lunch offer wonderful opportunities for us to come together in the spirit of giving and fellowship. These events, alongside our students’ participation in community service through the Bexley Foodbank drive, exemplify our values of scholarship, fellowship, and leadership, fostering a sense of unity and joy.

Best wishes,

Joseph Sparks | Principal, Stationers’ Crown Woods Academy

SCWA’s Christmas Extravaganza: A Festive Celebration

Stationers’ Crown Woods Academy is excited to announce its Christmas Extravaganza, taking place on Tuesday, 12 December 2023, and Thursday, 14 December 2023, from 18:00 to 20:00 in the Main Hall of the Crown Building. This festive event will feature performances by the school choir and various school bands, promising a mix of festive numbers and audience participation.

The extravaganza aims to showcase the vast array of talent within the SCWA student community. Guests can enjoy nibbles and a glass of bubbly (non-alcoholic, of course) during the performances. The event is limited to 150 guests per night, with tickets available on a first-come, first-served basis. The event’s programme is being finalised, and tickets will be available from Tuesday, 5 December 2023, at 09:00. Parents and carers will be notified via email as soon as the tickets are available.

Mr Yeates, Director of Performing Arts, expressed his excitement: “The Christmas Extravaganza at SCWA is set to be a remarkable event, showcasing our students’ musical talents in a festive atmosphere. We’re looking forward to welcoming our school community to the Main Hall of the Crown Building for an evening of holiday cheer, music, and community spirit. It’s an event not to be missed, filled with festive joy and a wide range of performances.”

Christmas Jumper Day at SCWA

Stationers’ Crown Woods Academy is participating in the ‘Save the Children’ Christmas Jumper Day. On Thursday, 7 December 2023, students are invited to wear a Christmas jumper and make a donation of £1 to ‘Save the Children’. Donations can be made via Parent Pay; students are asked to wear their Christmas jumpers in addition to their full school uniform. This event represents an opportunity for the SCWA community to support a charitable cause while partaking in festive activities.

Christmas Lunch at SCWA

On Wednesday, 6 December 2023, Stationers’ Crown Woods Academy will offer a special Christmas Lunch. The price is set at £3.50 for a meal that includes both a main course and a hot pudding. Alternatively, if bought separately, the main course is available for £2.50 and the pudding for £1.55. A full menu of the Christmas Lunch offerings can be found below.

Year 12 Digital Design T-Level Students Prepare for Industry Placements

Stationers’ Crown Woods Academy’s Year 12 Digital Design T-Level students are gearing up for their workplace interviews, a significant step towards their industry placements in the software development sector. These placements form a pivotal part of their T-Level course, offering real-world work experience.

The students are set to interview with leading software development firms, which have collaborated with SCWA staff in crafting the T-Level curriculum, ensuring an education that’s closely aligned with industry needs.

These placements, lasting a minimum of 315 hours, will immerse students in the dynamic environment of digital design. Mr Roche, Assistant Principal, shared his thoughts: “The introduction of T-Levels represents a transformative shift in vocational education. These courses, especially the Digital Design T-Level, offer an unparalleled opportunity for students to blend academic learning with practical industry experience. It’s exciting to see our students embarking on this journey, which is a testament to the relevance and quality of education we strive to provide at Stationers’ Crown Woods Academy.”

Year 11 & Year 13 Mock Examinations at SCWA

Stationers’ Crown Woods Academy is putting in place additional revision sessions for the upcoming mock examinations. For both Year 11 and Year 13, subject warm-ups are scheduled prior to each mock exam. Morning exams will be preceded by a warm-up session at 7:45 am; for afternoon exams, there will be a warm-up session at 3:15pm on the day before the exam. These sessions are set to replace any scheduled module two interventions.

Year 13 students are expected to attend school as usual on all days and participate in all timetabled lessons outside of their mock exams. This approach is designed to maximise their learning time with subject teachers ahead of each exam. Students are also encouraged to bring revision materials to utilise during any independent time between exams.

Furthermore, all subject warm-ups for Year 13 will take place in the students’ normal teaching rooms, ensuring a familiar and conducive environment for exam preparation.

*Stationers’ Crown Woods Academy has adjusted some A Level subject warm-up sessions to avoid clashes with GCSE warm-ups. These sessions may have been moved to either an AM or PM slot, ensuring that all students receive the necessary preparation prior to their exams.

Warm-Up (7:45am)

  • English Language – Ashdown

AM Exams (8:45am)

  • English Language Paper 1

PM Exams (1pm)

  • History Paper 1

Warm-Up (3pm)

  • DT – WM101
  • Drama – Drama Studio
  • Food & Nutrition – WM104
  • Economics – AR207
  • Sociology – AR104
  • RE – DE002

Warm-Up (7:45am)

  • Maths – Sherwood

AM Exams (8:45am)

  • Mathematics Paper 1 (Non-Calculator)

PM Exams (1pm)

  • DT Paper 1
  • Drama Paper 1
  • Food & Nutrition Paper 1
  • Economics Paper 1
  • Sociology Paper 1
  • RE Paper 1

Warm-Up (3pm)

  • Spanish – AR003
  • French – AR108

Warm-Up (7:45am)

  • Triple Science – DE203, SH203, SH202, AS203

AM Exams (8:45am)

  • Triple Science – Biology

PM Exams (1pm)

  • Spanish Listening
  • French Listening

Warm-Up (3pm)

  • Spanish – AR003 & AR004
  • French – AR108 & AR005

Warm-Up (7:45am)

  • Maths – Sherwood

AM Exams (8:45am)

  • Mathematics Paper 2 (Calculator)

PM Exams (1pm)

  • Spanish Reading
  • French Reading
  • Spanish Writing
  • French Writing

Warm-Up (3pm)

  • Performing Arts – Dance Studio
  • Computer Science – AR202

Warm-Up (7:45am)

  • Triple Science – DE203, SH203, DE204

AM Exams (8:45am)

  • Triple Science – Chemistry

PM Exams (1pm)

  • Performing Arts
  • Computer Science Paper 1

Warm-Up (3pm)

  • History – DE102, DE103, DE101
  • Geography – DE104

Warm-Up (7:45am)

  • Drama
  • Geography
  • Physics
  • Politics

AM Exams (8:45am)

  • Drama
  • Geography Paper 1
  • Physics Paper 1
  • Politics Paper 1
  • Applied Science (unit 3 parts A and B)

PM Exams (1pm)

  • Accounting Paper 1
  • Further Maths Paper 1
  • History Paper 1
  • Media Studies component one
  • Product Design Paper 1
  • Sociology Paper 1

Warm-Up (3pm)

  • Business Studies
  • Biology

Warm-Up (7:45am)

  • Chemistry
  • Computer Science
  • Economics
  • English Literature
  • RE

AM Exams (8:45am)

  • Chemistry Paper 1
  • Computer Science Paper 1
  • Economics Paper 1
  • English Literature Paper 1
  • RE Paper 1

PM Exams (1pm)

  • Business Studies Paper 1
  • Biology Paper 1

Warm-Up (3pm)

  • Spanish
  • French

Warm-Up (7:45am)

  • Biology
  • Geography
  • Physics
  • Politics
  • Film Studies*

AM Exams (8:45am)

  • Biology Paper 1
  • Geography Paper 2
  • Physics Paper 2
  • Politics Paper 2

PM Exams (1pm)

  • Spanish Paper 1
  • French Paper 1

Warm-Up (3pm)

  • Law
  • Maths*
  • Further Maths

Warm-Up (7:45am)

  • Accounting
  • History
  • Media Studies
  • Sociology

AM Exams (8:45am)

  • Accounting Paper 2
  • Further Maths Paper 2
  • History Paper 2
  • Media Studies Component 2
  • Sociology Paper 2

PM Exams (1pm)

  • Film Studies Component one
  • Law Paper 1
  • Maths Paper 1

Warm-Up (3pm)

  • Psychology

Warm-Up (7:45am)

  • Business Studies
  • Biology

AM Exams (8:45am)

  • Business Studies Paper 2
  • Biology Paper 2

PM Exams (1pm)

  • Psychology Paper 1

Warm-Up (3pm)

  • Psychology (for Monday 11th December)

SCWA Sixth Form Leads Food Donation Drive for Local Communities

The Arden Leadership Team at Stationers’ Crown Woods Academy is spearheading a food donation drive to support Bexley Foodbank. This initiative reflects the academy’s commitment to community service and support, especially during the festive season. Bexley Foodbank, serving areas including Bexley, Sidcup, and Erith, operates across four locations. The drive, organised by the student leadership team, is focused on collecting food items to assist those in need during the run-up to Christmas, a time when a little extra kindness can make a significant difference.

The foodbank has specifically requested donations of the following items:

  • Long-life milk
  • Long-life fruit juice
  • Tinned items such as fish, rice pudding, custard, and tinned meat
  • Sweets, chocolate, and crisps
  • Deodorant
  • Toilet paper

The academy encourages donations of these items, as well as any other canned or long-life products. All contributions are greatly appreciated and will be collected within each small school until there is enough to deliver to the foodbank. For anyone with questions or who needs more information, please feel free to reach out to Eve Collier at

SCWA Students Excel in Leigh Academies Trust Cross-Country Competition

SCWA Students Excel in Leigh Academies Trust Cross-Country Competition

On Thursday, 23rd November 2023, pupils from Years 7 to 10 at Stationers’ Crown Woods Academy participated in the Leigh Academies Trust Cross-Country Competition. Impressively, the Year 7 Girls’ team secured first place overall in their category. Many pupils excelled, with several achieving personal bests and standout performances. Ms Blayney, the Event Organiser, commented on the pupils’ achievements, “The dedication and spirit shown by our students at the cross-country competition were remarkable. Their enthusiasm and commitment were evident in their performances, and the results, especially the Year 7 Girls’ team clinching first place, are a testament to their hard work and talent. It’s inspiring to see such great potential and sportsmanship from our pupils.”

Strong Performance by SCWA Students at LAT Annual Swimming Gala

Students from Stationers’ Crown Woods Academy showcased their swimming prowess at the Leigh Academies Trust (LAT) Annual Swimming Gala, held at Sir Joseph Williamson’s Mathematical School. Representing the academy, five talented students from Years 7 to 9 competed with commendable skill and sportsmanship. The team achieved impressive results, securing 1st place in Freestyle, 2nd place in Breaststroke, and 3rd place in Backstroke. Additionally, the relay team performed exceptionally, finishing 2nd and earning a spot in the final. In a tightly contested final, Stationers’ Crown Woods Academy emerged as the 2nd overall, marking a significant achievement for the team at this prestigious event.