PSHE/RSE/Citizenship Focus
- Behind the Lens’ LGBTQ+ History Month – The Hays Code.
- Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing
- Relationships
- Bullying, abuse and discrimination
- Social Influences
Enquiry Question/Statement
How can we learn from the lived experience of marginalised groups?
Celebration/Commemoration/Awareness for Main Hall Assembly
LGBTQ+ History Week
PSHE/RSE/Citizenship Focus
- Health and wellbeing: healthy body, healthy mind
- Mindfulness and coping with stress
- Staying proactive and motivated
iDEA (Years 9-11)
- iDEA Years 7-11 SAFE ONLINE: Students – Create an account, then complete:
Enquiry Question/Statement
‘All the reading she had done had given her a view of life that they had never seen.’ – Matilda by Roald Dahl
Celebration/Commemoration/Awareness for Main Hall Assembly
- National Storytelling Week
- International Book Giving
- World Book Day
Student leaders unable to help due to mocks week.
PSHE/RSE/Citizenship Focus
- Health and wellbeing: How to manage anger and develop interpersonal skills
- Maintaining genuine friendships
Enquiry Question/Statement
How can I better use my voice for kindness, my ears for compassion, my hands for charity, my mind for truth and my heart for love?
Celebration/Commemoration/Awareness for Main Hall Assembly
- Random Acts of Kindness
- Student Volunteering Week
- Comic Relief/Red Nose Day
- STEM Day
PSHE/RSE/Citizenship Focus
- Health and wellbeing: How drugs affect the body and brain (the science)
- Laws around illegal drugs
- The human impact of drug addiction
iDEA (Years 9-11)
- iDEA Years 7-8: ESAFETY –
- iDEA Years 9-11: DIGITAL ETHICS –
Enquiry Question/Statement
How can we change attitudes around gender stereotyping?
- ‘Proportionately, female pupils were less likely to rank a STEM-related subject first for enjoyment: 32% compared to 59% of males.’
- ‘Females were also less likely to consider themselves to be best at a STEM subject: 33% compared to 60% of males.’
Celebration/Commemoration/Awareness for Main Hall Assembly
Science Week
PSHE/RSE/Citizenship Focus
Health and wellbeing:
- Cancer awareness
- Dealing with loss
- Depression and anxiety
Enquiry Question/Statement
‘I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.’
Celebration/Commemoration/Awareness for Main Hall Assembly
Walk all over Cancer Week
PSHE/RSE/Citizenship Focus
Health and wellbeing:
- Celebration assemblies
- Equal access to education
- Personal development and target setting
iDEA (Years 9-11)
- iDEA Years 7-8: FAKE-NEWS –
Enquiry Question/Statement
‘Don’t flaunt your success, but don’t apologize for it either.’
Celebration/Commemoration/Awareness for Main Hall Assembly
Celebration (Small School in Main Hall)